50+ Companies that Hire Freelance Writers

Here’s a list of over 50 companies that hire freelance writers. You'll find a little bit of everything, from parenting, to travel, to resume writing, to academia.

Please note that the vast majority of these companies may not always be hiring, could have a wait list, or the pay rate may have changed. I’d bookmark these and keep checking back!

  1. A Pass Education: This company offers educational assessment writing jobs. Minimum of a bachelor’s degree required.
  2. Academic Experts: Must have a PhD or a master’s degree.
  3. AutoShopper: Open to writers in the US, UK, and Canada. This car-related website hires editorial writers. Must have expert-level knowledge about automobiles.
  4. Appingo
  5. BKA Content
  6. Verblio: Write blog posts for businesses, and if the business likes and uses your post, you  get paid.
  7. Buy Keyword Articles
  8. Consumer Press
  9. Content Divas: They will assign you packages to  write.
  10. Content Runner: On this website, you can write articles and post them for   sale.
  11. Cracked: Claims to pay you $100 for your first approved article. You will also get a byline, so it could be good for exposure.
  12. Distance Web: They hire experienced copywriters desired for for ads, web sites, and email marketing initiatives.
  13. EditFast
  14. Ezdia
  15. Get a Copywriter
  16. GoDotMedia
  17. HireWriters: They also hire for proofreading, research, and article rewriting. Starting pay is rather low, but you can get higher rates as you improve your ratings. There is lots of work available.
  18. The Hoth: Regularly hires native English speaking writers to create SEO   content.
  19. Internet Brands
  20. iWriter
  21. Kirkus Media
  22. Lifehack
  23. Life Tips
  24. Listverse
  25. LovetoKnow

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  1. Matador: Travel website.
  2. NewsModo: Get paid if your story pitch is accepted by news publishers. Pay depends on the story that the publisher pitches.
  3. Oatmeal Studios: Greeting card site that accepts submissions.
  4. Online Writing Jobs
  5. PureContent: Also hires editors. Knowledge of UK English a plus.
  6. Scripted: Pays you to write tweets, blog articles, and Facebook posts.
  7. Red Tricycle: Red Tricycle Spoke Contributors are eligible for $50 paid compensation when a post reaches 25,000 unique page views.
  8. Resume Edge: Requires experience for writing and editing  resumes.
  9. Search Influence
  10. Skyword
  11. SmartBrief
  12. Student Experts
  13. Skyword
  14. Talent, Inc.
  15. Textbroker
  16. Textbroker UK
  17. The Content Authority
  18. The Expeditioner
  19. Tripbase
  20. WL Marketing
  21. WordGigs
  22. Words of Worth
  23. Writer Access
  24. WritersCareer.com
  25. WritersDomain.net
  26. Hubpages: Your articles will pay you revenue generated from Adsense, Kontera, and Amazon.
  27. Wise Bread: Write for this high-ranking personal finance blog, and get paid 100% of the royalties your content generates in ad revenue.

Expert Advice from Highly Successful Freelance Writers

Read how Gina Horkey started out as a freelance writer.

How to Become a Freelance Writer (and get paid what you’re worth)
Want to know how to become a freelance writer, but aren’t so sure where to start? This post will give you the first 7 steps.

Sign up for Elna Cain's free email course to learn how to get paid to write online.

Get Paid to Write Online - Elna Cain
Learn the steps you need to be a freelance writer and grow a profitable business now. Get the free course Get Paid to Write Online.

Check out this roundup of blog posts over at Make a Living Writing.

How to Be a Freelance Writer Archives - Make a Living Writing
Are you wondering how to be a freelance writer and land your first clients? Check out my blog posts on how to break into freelance writing.

Ebooks About Freelance Writing

If books are more your thing, here are are two books I recommend to learn how to make money as a freelance writer.

  1. Make Money As A Freelance Writer: 7 Simple Steps to Start Your Freelance Writing Business and Earn Your First $1,000
  2. The Fluff-Free Freelance Writing Master Course Workbook: The only course that gives you concrete, actionable information to building a successful freelance business without any fluff.


Bear in mind that some of the links in this post are affiliate links, and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a commission.

Keep in mind that I link these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission I receive from your purchases.

The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.